What Types of Market Data Does Intrinio Offer? | Intrinio

4 min readDec 17, 2020


This article explains the types of market data solutions we can provide. Read the companion article to find out why a company would want to partner with us to license market data.

Who is Intrinio?

We’re a full-service financial data and data technology partner for businesses. We put together custom solutions across numerous providers, delivery mechanisms, and data types with world-class technology and support.

What is market data?

Market data includes prices and trade-related data for securities. Stock prices are the most common form of market data; however, even basic stock prices can come from exchanges across the globe in real-time, end of day, delayed, and other formats.

Our Market Data

Here are the types of data we can provide through our platform:

Real-Time Snap and Streaming Equity Prices

Real-time snap and streaming equity prices are essential for driving trading decisions, creating buy and sell sentiment, and powering trade execution platforms.

What’s included:

  • Bid price and size
  • Ask price and size
  • Timestamp
  • Last sale
  • Market volume
  • Open, high, and low

Delivery methods: WebSocket API, Web API

What to know: Data from a single exchange will have “drift” from the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) across all exchanges. A higher-volume exchange, such as NASDAQ, has less drift than a lower-volume exchange like IEX.

How Intrinio helps: Each exchange has different reporting requirements and fees, plus complex paperwork and regulatory oversight. We advise clients on the right exchange to minimize costs and work with exchanges to coordinate paperwork, reporting, and delivery.

Integrating real-time data is also a serious challenge for businesses. We provide SDKs, technical consulting and implementation help, third-party coordination, a built-in ticketing system for technical and data quality issues, and account management to simplify the process.

15-Minute Delayed Snap Equity Prices

Businesses that need to display pricing data on their platform or website can gain huge cost savings by using 15-minute delayed pricing data.

What’s included:

  • Bid price and size
  • Ask price and size
  • Timestamp
  • Last sale
  • Market volume
  • Open, high, and low

Delivery method: Web API

What to know: Unless your company requires real-time data, we recommend a delayed feed; it typically saves clients $1,000 to $5,000 a month in exchange fees. For most delayed datasets, there are also no exchange reporting requirements or variable per-user fees associated, which require sophisticated entitlement systems to maintain.

How Intrinio helps: We’ll recommend the best 15-minute delayed solution based on your specifications and help you navigate the process of working with different exchanges.

Real-Time and Delayed Options Prices

Our filtered US options feed provides NBBO quotes and all trades from the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) without sacrificing data quality.

What’s included:

  • Greeks (delta, gamma, theta, and vega)
  • Implied volatility
  • Last trade price, size, and timestamp
  • Total trade volume
  • Last ask/bid price, size, and timestamp
  • Underlying symbol
  • Put or call
  • Expiration date
  • Strike price
  • Exercise style
  • Open interest

Delivery methods: Web API

History: None

What to know: We recommend starting with a 15-minute delayed trial feed. This option has no exchange fees for internal use, and we waive any licensing fees during the testing period. Upgrading to real-time options from the delayed feed is simple; the connection to the OPRA exchange is identical and our experts will help facilitate all exchange paperwork.

How Intrinio helps: Options are complex with hundreds — or even thousands — of contracts and expiration dates for a given security. Our filtered options feed reduces bandwidth up to 80% by eliminating unactionable data while still delivering all trades and NBBO quotes.

Historical End of Day US Stock Prices

These datasets provide a massive amount of historical intraday and end of day prices for US stocks, ETFs, and options — valuable for backtesting, charting, and historical analysis.

What’s included:

Intraday US Stock and ETF Data

  • Bid
  • Ask
  • Timestamp
  • Last sale
  • Market volume

EOD US Stock and ETF Data

  • Historical unadjusted and adjusted prices
  • Adjustment factors, splits, and dividends
  • Technical indicators (i.e. VWAP, ADTV)

EOD Option Data

  • Closing ask price and size
  • Closing bid price and size
  • Closing mark
  • Delta
  • Implied volatility and implied volatility change
  • Next day open interest
  • Open interest and open interest change
  • Price date
  • Volume

Delivery methods: Web API, direct database access, CSV downloads, FTP


  • EOD US stock and ETF data back to 1969 for actively trading securities, when applicable
  • Intraday US stock and ETF data back to 2019
  • Delisted US stock and ETF data back to 2007
  • EOD options data back to 2008

What to know: Useful for creating charts of historical performance, this dataset forms the core of many backtesting strategies and investor terminal/research applications.

How Intrinio helps: With proactive algorithmic and machine learning approaches, supplemented with human review by our data quality team, we catch and correct splits, dividends, and errors in the data before they reach your servers. Technical support, SDKs, multiple access methods, and other resources make integration and implementation easy.

Looking for More Market Data?

Through our extensive partner network, we can help you source global real-time, delayed, and historical pricing data across any asset class for every exchange in the world. We can also provide normalized and raw tick data on a global scale across all security types. Tell us what you need, and we’ll help you source it.

Explore our market data page to learn more about our solutions and technology. Ready to get started? Request a consultation with our team to design a custom solution that meets your data needs.

Originally published at https://intrinio.com.




Written by Intrinio

High-quality financial data. Tools built for developers. First-class, US-based support. Data doesn’t have to be hard or expensive.

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